More power to network operators, multi-residential, fleets and station owners.
OCPP compatible
Supports every OCPP 1.6 compliant EVSE: ABB, Tritium, Efacec, Delta, Lafon, ChargePoint, AddEnergie and others.
Asset management
Enables EVSE installation, maintenance, documentation and more.
Member management
Records all member-related details such as refunds, charging history, vehicles etc.
Revenue management
Enables station revenue management and connects with financial institutions for convenient transactions.
Customer support
Creates support roles with custom access using helpdesk solutions such as ZenDesk.
Displays a summary of all station activity in real time for quick reference to vital information.
Custom branding
Applications can be customized using your branding guidelines. Some features can be removed if needed.
Reporting and analytics
Full reports can be exported including charging station usage, users and other stats.
Income management and redistribution
Partners can manage their income and redistribute it through the administration portal.