Explore the platform

EV charging made smarter

Search. Pay. Manage. Support. Promote. And much more. It’s all there under the hood for both drivers and station operators.
Screenshots of the AXSO platform on desktop, tablet and mobile.

The ultimate digital EV charging experience for drivers.

Station finder
Locates charging stations on a map and provides real-time availability status and usage fee.
Start charging
Start a charging session at a station and remotely track charging progress.
Alerts on charge progress
Notifications are issued when EV is fully charged or when the charging session has been interrupted.
Trip planner
Minimizes delays by calculating the most efficient charging stops depending on their destination.
Status of other vehicles
Displays the charging progress of other vehicles to help drivers plan their session.
Digital e-wallet
Funds can be deposited in a wallet as pre-payment for charging sessions. Support for all types of payment methods.
Guest payments
Customers who wish to pay as guests can do so without signing up.
Station usage trends
Displays daily usage trends for any station for a clear picture of station activity.
Multiple vehicles
Owners of multiple EVs can list them under a single account and switch from one vehicle to another.
Membership card order
Customers can order and pay for their membership cards on your network.
Commercial offers
Activates commercial offers from businesses in the vicinity of charging stations.
Apple CarPlay
Supports Apple CarPlay to display charging stations nearby.
Android Auto
Supports for Android Auto to display charging stations nearby.

More power to network operators, multi-residential, fleets and station owners.

OCPP compatible
Supports every OCPP 1.6 compliant EVSE: ABB, Tritium, Efacec, Delta, Lafon, ChargePoint, AddEnergie and others.
Asset management
Enables EVSE installation, maintenance, documentation and more.
Member management
Records all member-related details such as refunds, charging history, vehicles etc.
Revenue management
Enables station revenue management and connects with financial institutions for convenient transactions.
Customer support
Creates support roles with custom access using helpdesk solutions such as ZenDesk.
Displays a summary of all station activity in real time for quick reference to vital information.
Custom branding
Applications can be customized using your branding guidelines. Some features can be removed if needed.
Reporting and analytics
Full reports can be exported including charging station usage, users and other stats.
Income management and redistribution
Partners can manage their income and redistribute it through the administration portal.
OCPP Compatibility

Compatible with every OCPP
1.6 compliant EVSE

We support the following chargers and more:
Custom integration

Get onboard the EV smart charging revolution.